Sep 24, 2020 | Hair, Salons in Karama

Natural Remedies For Hair Loss

Published by Royal Shahnaz

Hair loss problem in this 21st century is very common health issues that generally affect the confidence and well being. Most common factors for hair loss, while many would consider their hair loss is due to generic, scalp infection, hormonal imbalance, poor diet etc…   Fortunately there are so many solutions for hair growth as there are many type of treatment to reduce the hair growth and regenerate our hair loss. Prevention is better option before curing any diseases. Prevention and treatments will helps to slow down your hair fall.  It is better to use natural remedies for hair loss. Try the following methods it will prevent the hair loss very effectively.

hair salon in karama

Hot oil treatment

Take any natural oil like coconut oil, olive oil and canola, it heat it up that it is warm not too hot. It applies to the scalp and massage gently and wear a shower cap and hold one hour then shampoo your hair.

Natural juice

You can rub your scalp with a natural juice like garlic juice, onion juice or ginger juice, it leave it on overnight and wash thoroughly in the morning.


Apply anti oxidants

Apply warm green tea in your scalp and leave this mixture for an hour and rinse. Green tea contains rich anti oxidants which prevent the hair loss and boots the hair growth.

Get a head massage

Massaging your scalp few minutes daily will help to stimulate circulation. Good circulations in scalps keep the hair follicles active. Circulation will improve through massage by using few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base.

Practice meditation

Tension and stress one of the common reason for hair loss, believe it or not meditation can help to reduce the stress and restore the hormonal balance.

Royal shahnaz one of the best hair salon in dubai, our team is well trained to do the job in selection of products suitable for your hair.  After the service you always leave with natural shine and texture of your hair.

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